Mask to Make Your Products Work Better
Did you know that a mask can make the products you already use work better? By giving that 10-20 minutes a few times a week, your skin can become brighter, more moisturized, clearer, basically whatever direction the mask is pushing it. All without changing your normal products or routine.
Mask to Improve Hydration
This is a big one at Pharmacist Made because our Purifying Clay Mask adds moisture while removing impurities. This is our number one best selling mask! It is gentle AND cleansing. And most of us can use a little extra hydration now that it's winter.
Mask to Add Youthfulness
Improve the look of your skin with some age rewinding masks. One choice is a mask that exfoliates so that the dead layer of cells that lives on top of your skin gets removed. Specifically, the Apple & Poppy Seed Skin Polisher Mask will leave you with fresh, new skin that glows. A gentler mask also good for all skin types is our Strawberry Mask. Aside from the overwhelmingly yummy dose of aromatherapy, this mask rejuvenates the skin with strawberry and rose. It also very gently exfoliates. Over time, these masks can decrease wrinkles or prevent the formation of new ones.
Mask for a Quick Fix
The day of a big party or class reunion, is the day to use our Green Tea & Green Clay Mask. It might seem like a little miracle as French green clay works with the green tea to tighten, lift, cleanse, remove fine lines, and give you a glow. It's the perfect answer for the morning of a wedding or any big event where you need to make a big impression.
Mask for the Fun of It
Why not have a little party with your girlfriends and try out some new masks? They can be absolutely fun to use masks and you might just find something you really want to use over and over.
Let us help you out.
For dry skin or mature skin that needs a boost: Purifying Clay Mask
For exfoliation and brightening: Apple & Poppy Seed Ski Polisher Mask
For glowing rejuvenation: Strawberry Mask
For tightening and deep cleansing: Green Tea & Green Clay Mask